Saturday, August 31, 2019

Conventional Cytogenetic Report

This report is studying about conventional cytogenetic, and we will focus on a technique called ‘karyotyping’. This repot is going to introduce about the definition, the history and the improvements of karyotyping made before, what is the process and the working principle of this technique and also how if can be applied in our daily life. Karyotyping is a test to examine chromosomes in a sample of cells, which can help identify genetic problems as the cause of a disorder or disease. The term ‘karyotyping’ is come from ‘karyotype’, which is the characteristic chromosome complement of a eukaryote species.The preparation and study of karyotypes is part of cytogenetics. In the middle and late 18th century, scientists were aware of the presence of chromosomes but had difficulty studying them because of their extremely small size. Chromosomes were first observed in plant cells by a scientist called Karl Wilhelm von Nageli in 1842, but since the sample s they took had small chromosomes. After the development of genetics in the early 20th century, when it was appreciated that the set of chromosomes, the karyotype was the carrier of the genes.Another scientist Levitsky seems to have been the first to define the karyotype as the phenotypic appearance of the somatic chromosomes, in contrast to their genic contents. It took until the middle 1950s until it became generally accepted that the karyotype of humans included only 46 chromosomes. Rather interestingly, the great apes have 48 chromosomes. Human chromosome 2 was formed by a merger of ancestral chromosomes, which reducing the number. Investigation into the human karyotype took many years to settle by two famous scientists: Hans von Winiwarter and Theophilus Shickel Painter.Hans von Winiwarter examined normal human diploid cells to try and define the number of chromosomes that humans have. In his time, guesses ranged from 16 to 36. He used the most powerful microscopes available in his day in one of the first accurate karyotyping attempts, and counted specifically between 46 and 49 chromosomes in his samples in 1912. He concluded that females had two X chromosomes and males had only one X chromosome and no Y chromosome. Theophilus Shickel Painter in 1922 was not certain whether the diploid number of humans was 46 or 48, at first favouring 46.He revised his opinion later from 46 to 48, and he correctly insisted on humans having an XX/XY system. And there are two advanced skills in karyotyping. The first one is Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), this method is going to investigate the use of virtual karyotypes for diagnostically challenging renal epithelial tumors. First is to evaluate 25 archived renal neoplasms where sub-classification could not be rendered based on morphology and other ancillary studies. Then it will generate virtual karyotypes with the Affymetrix 10 K 2. 0 mapping array platform and identify the presence of genomic lesions across all 22 autosomes.The second one is Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH), it is going  to scan the entire genome for variations in DNA copy number. Total genomic DNA is isolated from test and reference cell populations, differentially labeled and hybridized to metaphase chromosomes or DNA microarrays. The relative hybridization intensity of the test and reference signals at a given location is then proportional to relative copy number of those sequences in the test and reference genomes. The increases and decreases in the intensity ratio directly indicate DNA copy-number variation in the genome of the test cells.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Modern Educational System Essay

I decided to write about education system in Ukraine because I think it is very common problem and because I’m a student as well. Educational system in Ukraine at the present stage is sufficiently complex and hard-to-reach for citizens. Despite the fact that officially education is considered to be free of charges on all levels for children, in reality parents confront series of problems that are not so easy to deal with, unless they have certain savings of money. So for example, parents are obliged to reserve places in kindergartens even before the children are born. Because if you do not do this by the time your child is three years old there will be no more vacant place left. And of course we must not forget that all institutions of preschool educations under one reason or another demand financial contribution for various needs. The same range of problems is applied to school education with distinction that parents are forced to purchase different teaching material on their own in many cases. Another very important subject matter is related to the field of physical activity for children and teenagers. It is well known that for everyone, who is nearly six or seven years old, immovable pastime on the lessons for forty five minutes is nearly a torture and fifteen minutes of break are not enough for proper progress and harmony of such a young and growing organism. But even in spite of this it makes no difference to us and we continue to insist on such unnatural methods â€Å"doctrine of torment† for our children. The question is why? Against the background of this day’s schedule we are confronting the constant cases of children’s overwork and fatal outcomes. The structure of higher education in Ukraine according to its ideology and goals corresponds to the structure of education in most developed countries of the world. It is very important that in March, 2005 Ukraine has joined the Bologna system and became an active participant of development of the all-European space in the sphere of higher education. For today there are 951 higher educational institutions of different levels of accreditation in Ukraine which conduct preparation of qualified experts of more than 500 specialties. But even more difficult tasks are in prospect to be solved in the system of higher education, so as to adjust proximate planed dependence from demand and offer of experts in different spheres of activity. Nowadays in our country we experience luck of teachers, medical workers, and profile engineers in various sectors and in the same time we have overabundance of such professions as economists, lawyers and others. It’s not a secret that education is not an exception, as well as other â€Å"systems† in our country, where we confront corruption. This issue is one of the most problematic and hard-to-solve for Ukrainian population. For example, Prime Minister of Ukraine N. Azarov has signed a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers aimed at improving the quality of IT professionals, strengthening cooperation between business and education, bringing education to the needs of industry and labor market. One of the key barriers of IT industry development is lack of human resources. The level of IT graduates rarely meets the requirements of the labor market today. Lack of practical training, insufficient level of English proficiency, miss of skills working in the team – all lead to the fact that only 25% of graduates are to work in IT industry and this is very low index. Most likely that we lost true value of the word â€Å"education† – is educating, that means to create and give new image or character to people but not impose them with unlimited amount of knowledge and information that sometimes is not only interesting but unnecessary. English word â€Å"education† or Latin word â€Å"educo† in comparison with the Russian equivalent, expose more precise definition of the notion we putting in this concept by nurturing. It is the purpose of education in every country – rising new spiritual and moral generation – this is our ultimate aim. One of the most vivid examples of such a high-quality education were times of imperial Russia in the middle of XVIII century, where upbringing of high level ecclesiastical and ethical patriots was not restricted by place of birth or nationality of the person. The biggest delusion in our times is the false idea of scientific and technical progress. Under the pretence of it specialization of each tendency narrows with every day. Workers of such a limited in profile become easy-to-handle manipulators and with their help it is possible to comply almost every conception without their understanding and â€Å"thinking into the truth†. Integration to another educational system, like most of European countries, the tests structure, leads to these consequences. As specialists themselves say, one of the most serious problems of integration of the Ukrainian system of education in the Bologna process – is unawareness of officials of the current situation in the Ukrainian and European education, as well as the objectives of the Bologna process. The system of education in the former USSR was considered to be one of the best in the world. It was not declared by other countries by variety of reasons; some of the main ones were political convictions and disinclination to recognize its effectiveness in every way.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Mount Pinatubo Case Study

case study mount pinatubo THE MOUNT PINATUBO ERUPTION 1991 the mount pinatubo eruption was the second largest eruption of this century and by far the largest eruption affecting a densely populated area. the eruption occurred at mount pinatubo in the philippines on june 15 1991. in march and april 1991 magma rising towards the surface from more than 30 km below pinatubo started making small earthquakes and caused small powerful steam explosion that opened three craters on the north flank of the volcano. thousands of small earthquakes occurred   and many tons of gas were also emitted by the volcano. rom june 7 to june 12 the magma reached the surface of mount pinatunbo. because of the gas pressure the magma erupted out with an amazing strength but did not cause an explosive eruption because it just formed a lava dome. on june 12 tons of gas charged magma reached the top of the volcano and erupted with the very first proper eruption. when even more magma reached the top the volcano er upted in a cataclysmic eruption on june 15. the eruption ejected more than 5 cubic kilometers of material. the ash cloud reached the height of 35 km in the sky. blanket of ash covered all the land around pinatubo. fine ash flew thousands of kilometers away reaching also the inidian ocean. massive avalanches of hot ash rolled down the sides of pinatubo. the eruption removed so much material from the volcano that the volcano collapsed and from a clad era of 2. 5 km. many hazards occurred with the volcano. the eruption produced high speed avalanches of hot gas and ash ( pyroclastic flows) giant mudflows (lahars) and a cloud of volcanic ash covering hundred of miles across. early 20 millions tons of sulfur dioxide were blown in the air and were dispersed around the world causing an increase   in temperature of around 0. 5 degrees. Mt ST HELENS ERUPTION mt st helens is a strata volcano located in the state of washinghton, US the eruption caused many hazards and many impacts on people e nvirmoent and economy. the earthquake on may 18 lead to a series of events:a 5. 1 earthquake was caused by the massive eruption the bulge of the volcano slid away, resulting in a huge avalanche of rock and mud that filled 24 squares miles of a valley. he eruption real eased a massive cloud of ash and pumice. the effect of the eruption also included: the volcano was reduced of 1300 feet, ash fell miles away from the eruption, the eruption lasted over 9 hours,. around 60 people lost their lives . over 250 square miles of land were destroyed by all the eruption hazards. countless animals were killed. as in all the volcanoes the first signs of eruption were given by an increase in small earthquakes near the volcano area. this showed that the pressure inside the volcano chamber was increasing. oon lines of weakness were created by the earthquakes on the top of the mountain. earthquakes were many especially under the north flank of the volcano. in fact the first eruption was from the summ it rather than from the flank. on the 27th of march this small eruption kept going. the volcano was mainly gas and ash and a small cloud of material was sent up over the cone. this stage was a Vulcanian type of eruption. but because the size of the eruption was small the ash fell down on the ground close to the summit and the main effect was simply to blacken the snow fields. he cause of these small eruptions was probably water from ice fields ending in the hot rock below and transforming suddenly into steam, throwing materials around. as the days went by a large bulge started forming across the north flank , about 2km across, separate from the central vent. it showed that the material blocking the central vent was stuck fast and that the magma was seeking a way out through the north flank. the earthquakes had weakened all the north flank more than any other part of the cone. on may 18 at 8 a. m the entire north flank of the volcano dropped down in a massive landslide of 2 cubic kil ometers of rock. ow with nothing to hold in place the magma and the gas , the gas rich magma exploded in a gigantic eruption. in fact the landslide was shattered in many parts by the explosion so that a mixture of rock fragments and gas was formed. this type of eruption was now a pelean type, and the pyroclastic flows were able to flow 250 kmh. part of this pyroclastic flow went near by spirit lake throwing out the water entirely from the lake. the blast demolished the huge dorset that lay on the north side of the volcano, leveling everything over an area of 550 square kilometers. lose to the volcano the blast of the explosion was so strong that trees were simply blown away. in total some 10 millions trees were destroyed. ash was deposited miles away and the town of yakima was covered in ash. in the following days of the eruption very sticky laval began to flow into the new crater, building up a lava dome on the crater floor. all the snow and glaciers on the mountains were turned in to steam and they were now coming back on the ground as torrential rainfall. the rain swept most of the ash in the nearby rivers , causing flooding and at the same time silting them up.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

MARKETING MANAGEMENT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Research Paper Example 88; Valentin, 2001). This explains why most of the colleges and universities are very focused on equipting all future managers with regards to the use of this particular analytical tool in business (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012; Chan, 2011). As defined by Lamb, Hair and McDaniel (2012, p. 40), competitive advantage is â€Å"a set of features of a company and its products that are perceived by the target market as signficant and superior to the competition†. Considering the tight market competition that is currently going on in both domestic and international market, the ability of the managers to develop and create a competitive advantage on behalf of the company becomes very important. With the purpose of gaining more insight on how to critically examine both internal and external factors that can significantly affect the success or failure of a business organization, this study will focus more on critically evaluating the main role of the SWOT analysis framework particularly w hen it comes to establishing strategic priorities that will improve the company’s ability to compete within the local and international market. ... 88) defined SWOT analysis as a â€Å"technique for focusing an individual’s or group’s attention on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats†. Using a 2 x 2 matrix, the main purpose behind the use of the SWOT analysis framework is to help executive managers make important decisions that can affect the company’s short-term and long-term overall business performance (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012; Oetomo and Ardini, 2012). According to Ommani (2011), it is possible to conduct a SWOT analysis to help the business people and executive managers gain a better understanding and full insight with regards to the company’s past business experiences. By going through the previous experinces of the managers, Ommani (2011) explained that the company’s top executives can think better in terms of developing effective solutions to the problems. For example, through the use of this particular analytical framework, executive managers will be able to ident ify the company’s current position in the market and all signs of potential future risks. Specifically the identified strenghs and weaknesses are internal factors whereas opportunities and threats are external factors that can significantly affect the business (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012). Using the SWOT analysis framework, executive managers will also be able to compare and constrast the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses with that of its close competitors (Aghdaie and Zardeini, 2012; Murray-Webster, 2010, p. 88). According to Ferrell and Hartline (2011, p. 120), the SWOT analysis framework is the simpliest and most effective strategic planning tool which can be used in the study and analysis of all marketing facts and figures. It means that through the use of

Ethics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics Paper - Essay Example If throwing one overboard saves me, then I would do so without hesitation. The act would not even bring into consideration whether the other three left with me on the boat are saved or not; as long as I am saved, the others can be in any condition possible. But such an egoistic attitude is often considered unethical in social interactions. If everyone acts for the sole benefit of oneself without any thought for one’s surroundings (or neighbours), then the social contract – as described by Thomas Hobbes – would break down and society would cease to exist. On the other extreme, a completely altruistic approach would make me act entirely for the good of others, even if it implies that I would be harmed in the process. Thus, if one of the five people on the boat needs to be thrown overboard, I would jump off myself to save the other four. However, both the approaches above are not logically based on cogent grounds, and therefore, it is suggested that the situation is analysed not through these two extremes, but through other justified ethical theories. The utilitarian theory, founded by Bentham and taken further by Mill, claims that an ethical act is one that maximises society’s happiness as a whole. It is analogous to a communist philosophy where individual elements and motives are disregarded for overall social benefit. Going by this theory alone, the act of throwing one person overboard to save the other four is ethically justified.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Art - Essay Example It would have been more natural if he had drawn soft boundaries with light pencil. Warhol has very nicely painted the nose giving shades of gray and white color very nicely. It is where he has kept his hand very light giving this feature a very original feel. The sketch is cool overall and the painter has no doubt drawn it with keen observation. I like the way the hair has been drawn and painted giving the man a sober look. The hair is not parted and is very cleverly hiding half of the ear. The collar covering the neck has also been nicely drawn giving a brief description of the man’s satire. Although, the picture is not colorful, yet the sketch is complete in itself and the color tones the painter has used seem enough for this piece of art. It is his great success that he has been able to show what age the man was, how he looked like, and his personality, using a few shades of two to three colors. In this picture, Raymond Johnson has put into abstract the sky and landscape of New Mexico and the picture tells more of his experience with the scene. Johnson was of the view that a masterpiece results from actual experience depicted in the form of painting and what counts is the internal significance of things which is an abstract quality. Something painted in abstract gives it the real life and soul. Johnson has always used two approaches to paint land. First, he would give a deep insight into his mood and experience that he had, and second, he would paint out in abstract everything giving special consideration to their forms and the manner in which they receive and emit light. The picture is a beautiful abstract form of landscape with black clouds hovering over it giving the feel of gloominess and pleasure at the same time. I like the green patches the painter has shown on the landscape and the shades of orange, pink, green and yellow give a very soothing look. The place the pai nter had in his mind must have been a piece of calm and cozy piece of land which

Monday, August 26, 2019

Joan Robertson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Joan Robertson - Essay Example This paper will look at some of her contributions, and how they impact the lives of modern economists presently. One of the main contributions by Joan Robinson in economics was made in monetary economics. In this contribution, it is believed that Robinson showed a deep understanding of the complexities that face the financial world. In her works in monetary economics, she provided the world, and especially developing worlds, with a comprehensive and original analysis on the links that envelop the macroeconomy and the financial system (Thomas 34). Economists and people studying the economy are able to learn a lot about money, finance, and the credit system that is present in every economy. The structure of interest rates is described in most of her works which allow even the most average of person(s) to comprehend the nature of the financial system, hence; become better at dealing with money and the financial sector. In another area, she is attributed with starting a battle against neoclassical economics. In this war, it is believed that Robinson led people to understand microeconomics and the functioning of the capital theories that existed. The reason why she decided to start this was because of the manner in which the much younger economists in the region could alter their models to suit the political desires and moods present in the different regions. In this contribution into the field of economics, Robinson led people into understanding the Keynes school of thought by trying to bring out the aspect of employment during the Great Depression in the 1930s (Aslanbeigui and Oakes 46). She immersed herself in the works of Keynes, bringing to life Keynes’s General Theory despite having had success in her previously done works. Lastly, it would be worthwhile to mention that Robinson’s love for economics led to the origin of countless books that discuss the nature and standing of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Legal Profession in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Legal Profession in the UK - Essay Example There has been no clear cut reason for the separation. The division appears to be more of prestige issue and professionally it is becoming an embarrassment to offer the excuse that the barrister performs a specialized or more professional role. Periodical studies highlight issues that throw the explanation of specialized roles of barristers in poor light (Cohen, Professor Harry; p11). Simply put, solicitors form the backbone of U.K.'s legal system. They come in direct contact with the public who come to them for all legal advises from litigation to commercial work. Litigation forms just a small part of the solicitor's work that involves "commercial transactions, corporate matters, land, share and other property dealings" (Legal professionals: barristers, solicitors, executives; 1998). In order to become a solicitor, it is necessary to take a one-year Legal Practice Course (LPC). There are over 30 institutions throughout England who offer the LPC. Thereafter, the law student has to obtain a two-years training contract with a solicitors' firm (The Legal Professions). Professionally, a solicitor must be a member of the Law Society which oversees his training, practice and the Society also takes up complaints made against the solicitor (Legal professionals: barristers, solicitors, executives; 1998). The role of the solicitor came ... Professionally, a solicitor must be a member of the Law Society which oversees his training, practice and the Society also takes up complaints made against the solicitor (Legal professionals: barristers, solicitors, executives; 1998). The role of the solicitor came into existence in 1823 when 'The London Law Institution' was formed by several prominent barristers. The name of this institution changed to 'The Law Society' in 1903. Women and ethnic minorities were not allowed to be members of the Law Society in those days. Now, half of the legal force in the U.K. comprises women (The Law Society, 2010). The closeness of the solicitors to people and corporations and their distinct efficiencies has enabled them to grow and flourish as individuals or firms. Solicitors have the potential to grow vertically and horizontally. Solicitors have their own firms, offices and clientele. They are the first point of contact in legal matters for the people at large in the U.K. They advise clients on how to file suits in litigations. They can negotiate out of court settlements on behalf of their clients. They have all the tools to carry out all aspects of legal work for their clients. Their powers have increased even more with their ability to represent their clients in the various courts (Types of Legal Career, 2010). Barristers A law graduate has to undergo "professional training through a Bar Vocational Course (BVC) and through pupilage with a qualified barrister" (Legal professionals: barristers, solicitors, executives; 1998).The barrister argues a case on behalf of the client in the courts. Mostly he takes cases in the higher courts, viz. Crown court and high courts. The solicitor is the link between the client and the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Business Strategy - Essay Example This paper is going to look at the strategic planning process of TNT as well as the formulation of a new strategy. Strategic planning is a significant aspect when it comes to the operations of any organization. It is important for an organization to have a clear understanding on the process of strategic planning in order for it to implement it successfully (Johnson, 2004). This section is going to focus on the mission, objectives, vision as well as the core competencies of TNT, the issues that are involved in the process of strategic planning and lastly, the different planning techniques. A strategy can simply be defined as a long-term direction for any organization. According to Johnson et al, a strategy has the long-term direction that is required in achieving the set organizational goals (Johnson, 2004). In the case of TNT, the organization has established its own practical measures based on three aims. These aims are customer relationship, innovation and operational excellence. These measures in this context can be classified as the long term direction goals for TNT. The vision statement of an organization is simply focussed with the state of an organization that is desired based on future forecasting (Simerson, 2011). A vision statement for any organization should look at what the organization wants to achieve at present and in the future. The core competencies simply differentiate an organization from the competitors in the same industry. The resources, activities and skills which cannot be copied by the competitors may be regarded as the core competencies of that organization. TNT is known to have many core competencies in the industry and thus it has been able to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors through the available resources. According to Sadler et al, strategic planning is a form of systemized procedure that is used to develop a strategy for an organization. This

Friday, August 23, 2019

Enhancing the Quality of Education Provided by School Teachers Essay

Enhancing the Quality of Education Provided by School Teachers - Essay Example The association of teachers’ educators widely acknowledges that the most efficient way to upgrade students learning outcomes depends highly on the quality of teaching. The research that was conducted by the same association indicates that the teacher quality is positively and significantly correlated with learners’ attainment. The same result is also important within-school aspect since it can be used to analyze student results. Education is an essential tool not only for the cultivation of values in students but also thriving and innovative society. This is the primary reason teachers are instructed to encourage self-motivation and proper way of studying among learners and to be a good role model for the students. The quality of education is not only restricted to the class work alone, but it extends further up to economic development. As the competition among nations intensifies due to rapid growth in the global market, the imperative role of education as the key to future success can greatly be felt. Above all, following the structural changes from manufacturing to the service-oriented economy in the past years, it will force educators to establish substantial and genuine human capital to central the top rank of competition. However, this will be influenced by the quality of education offered by the existing schools and teachers. Some of these changes can achieve through enhancing Teacher Education Programmes in order to produce highly trained and qualified teachers.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dreams and Dreaming Nightmares in Children Essay Example for Free

Dreams and Dreaming Nightmares in Children Essay This literature review will go over cross-cultural research articles which study nightmares in children, particularly what could be the cause of some of the nightmares in children. One article studied the relationship between daytime symptomatology (daily effects) and nightmare frequency in school-aged children (Schredl et al. , 2009). The article set out to find whether social and personal events were causing nightmares in the children, and furthermore wanted to find whether the children’s parents underestimated the frequency of their children’s nightmares (Schredl et al., 2009). To expand on this research, a second article was reviewed which studied the relationship between negative media children are exposed to in their waking life on children’s dreaming life (Schredl et al., 2008). This study sought to find a correlation between high amounts of television watched, computer games played and higher frequency of nightmares (Schredl et al., 2008). As a final further expansion on the research presented, the third article reviewed addressed some of the limitations the previous studied encountered and studied the same hypothesis: exposure to negative media would heighten nightmare frequency in children (Van den Bulck, 2004). The findings from these articles offered information on the frequency of nightmares in children and how that frequency relates to external and internal events. The first article reviewed is of Schredl et al. (2009) which produced a study that examined the relationship between daytime symptomatology and nightmare frequency in school-aged children. The study involved eliciting day time symptoms and nightmare frequency directly from the children, with an age range of eight years to eleven years old. In addition to the children’s information, the researchers collected questionnaires by the parents about their children’s dreaming (Schredl et al., 2009). The researchers hypothesized that the parents would show an underestimation of nightmare frequency (Schredl et al., 2009). Furthermore, the researchers hypothesized that there would be a stronger relationship found between nightmare frequency and daytime triggers in the data from children than in the data from the parents (Schredl et al., 2009). 4,834 parents and 4,531 of their children participated in the study where they completed questionnaires regarding sleep behaviour as well a s social behaviour; the parents answering questions about the children and the children answering about themselves (Schredl et al., 2009). The results of the study found that there is a very clear underestimation of nightmare frequency by parents (Schredl et al., 2009). The ‘often’ category for the frequency of nightmares was chosen fifty percent more often by children than the parents (Schredl et al., 2009). This research found a high correlation between emotional problems and the questionnaire completed on social behaviour by the children showing that children who worry, having anxieties, and feel unhappy have more frequent nightmares (Schredl et al., 2009). Some of the other items from the sleep questionnaire included measures of watching TV prior to bedtime, playing computer games prior to bedtime, and stressors in the family; all of which were not separately discussed in the results or discussion sections. Other researchers set out to find if media could take part in provoking nightmares in children. It is estimated that American children spend six hours and 32 minutes per day engaging in media such as television, movies, computer games, and internet surfing (Schredl et al., 2008). The second study reviewed attempted to answer whether negative or aggressive media has negative effects on children’s dreams (Schredl et al., 2008). The researchers hypothesized that frequent television watching and viewing of violent television, or aggressive computer games have a relation to higher nightmare frequency (Schredl et al., 2008). The participants involved 252 children with an age range of nine to thirteen years who completed questionnaires on dream recall, nightmare frequency and amount of time spent watching TV or playing computer games (Schredl et al., 2008). The original hypothesis was not supported in this study. Results found television viewing behaviour and computer game playing be fore bed was not related to emotional tone of dreams in children (Schredl et al., 2008). Previous studies had found significant correlation between negative dreaming and media use, the next study reviewed tested a similar hypothesis and obtained different findings. The final study review tested the types of content from different medias which appeared in children’s dreams, whether negative or pleasant (Van den Bulck, 2004). The study surveyed 2,546 children ages twelve to eighteen who filled out questionnaires regarding time spent engaged in media programs: television, computer games, movies (Van den Bulck, 2004). This study found that about 25 percent of the lowest age group studied have TV related nightmares monthly; moreover, 10 percent of them have TV related nightmares weekly (Van den Bulck, 2004). The higher age group has significantly less nightmares in general as well as TV related nightmares (Van den Bulck, 2004). In addition to collecting data on negative dreaming, the researchers attempted to get rid of the third variable problem by asking questions abo ut TV related pleasant dreams and surprisingly found that about 60 percent of the youngest age group in the study reported having pleasant dreams related to TV viewing (Van den Bulck, 2004). In addition to these findings, the researcher’s data showed that 50 percent of the oldest age group in the study reported never having pleasant dreams related to the TV content (Van den Bulck, 2004). Finally, the research shows that there was a small but significant relationship between preferences for certain types of TV content and both pleasant and unpleasant dreams; it appears that violent content in TV is not directly related to nightmares, and other media types induce nightmares as well (Van den Bulck, 2004). So, the Van den Bulck (2004) study seemed to rule out some of the problems of the previous study had with proving their hypotheses which is important for future research on this subject. Schredl et al. (2009) found that parents underestimate the frequency of their children’s nightmares and children who identify having emotional difficulties experience significantly higher sleeping problems including nightmares. Schredl et al. (2008) were unable to prove their hypothesis that the more media children are exposed to, the more nightmares they will experience. And finally, the research of Van den Bulck (2004) exposed that media exposure correlates to both pleasant dreams and nightmares in children, most strongly at younger ages than older. In order to conclude this literature review, limitations of the studies discussed and directions for future research must be identified. The first article reviewed addressed some limitations which included the potential that the child might overestimate their nightmare frequency if they mistake nightmares for night terrors, which the parents may let them know they are having (Schredl et al., 2009). Another reason the child could overestimate nightmare frequency would be if they had recently experienced a very vivid haunting nightmare before completing the questionnaire which could make them feel a heightened sensitivity to negative dreaming life (Schredl et al., 2009). For future research in order to expand on this study, it is recommended that researchers look deeper into parent and child ratings regarding occurrence of nightmares, as well as use more sophisticated measurements for child nightmare estimates as they could be easily subject to third variable problems and be biased or deficient (Schredl et al., 2009). The second article reviewed was not without its’ limitations as well. One of the most prominent limitations was the lack of strongly violent or disturbing television that was noted throughout the majority of the sample, the researchers felt as though not very many of the individuals has been exposed to very violent media (Schredl et al., 2008). So, for future research, a study should include films and games that children would not regularly be exposed to, those which would be deemed violent and aggressive (Schredl et al., 2008). The next study should also be a longitudinal study that can score media use habits and the occurrence of nightmares using self-rate scales as well as parental information regarding their children’s sleeping habits (Schredl et al., 2008). This would also be important to take on personality measures to determine that affect on relationships between media use and nightmare occurrences (Schredl et al., 2008). The final article noted that game and television related nightmares do not necessarily stem from violent and aggressive media, and it can actually derive itself out of any type of media, so future studies should not be limited to violent content (Van den Bulck, 2004). Another direction for future research would be to delve deeper into the study of children’s severity of nightmares, effect on sleeping habits, and variation in nightmares (Van den Bulck, 2004). This study represents data that media continues to occupy children’ References Custers, K., Van den Bulck, J. (2012). Fear effects by the media. Eur J Pediatr, 171, 613-616. Schredl, M., Anders, A., Hellriegel, S., Rehm, A. (2008). TV viewing, computer game playing and nightmares in school children. Dreaming, 18(2,69-76. Schredl, M., Fricke-Oerkermann, L., Mitschke, A., Wiater, A., Lehmkuhl, G. (2009). Factors affecting nightmares in children: parents’ vs. children’s ratings. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 18, 20-25. Van den Bulck, J. (2004). Media use and dreaming: the relationship among television viewing, computer game play, and nightmares or pleasant dreams. Dreaming, 14, 43-49.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Working time Essay Example for Free

Working time Essay Summary In this case, it describes what happened to a graduate of a prestigious business school during his time of work in the auditing division of Greenspan Company. The graduates name is, â€Å"Bill Church†, the situation is that he was relocated along with his family from the Mid-west to the East Coast. There he bought a home, a second car and did not worry about overextending financially because the company had huge plans for him. After months into the job Bill realized that he was working extra hours and the company did not want client’s billed for extra hours and that he needed to be more efficient. Now Bill was curious and ask a co-worker, Ann, how she get so efficient in auditing client records. Ann explained that she had the same problem a few years ago, but that she succeeded by not just being efficient but by doing what is needed to get ahead. She said that everyone needs to be Eating time, which meant not reporting all the hours required to complete a project and that would make everyone look good as a group. Bill then thought of going to ask the division manager for advice, but had only met Ann once and did not know anything about her. Questions Question1: What should Bill do? Answer: Bill should blow the whistle in his organization that some people are eating time rather than give full hours on his/her project. Question 2: Describe the process through which Bill might attempt to resolve his dilemma. Answer: There are few processes or options through which Bill might resolve his dilemma. First he should not put the overtime and work efficient as possible in his allotted time. Once management ask him why he is not doing well then that will be his to explain his dilemma. Second he has another option to resolve his dilemma by telling the problem direct to the manager. Question 3: Consider the impact of this company’s approach on young accountants. How could working long hours be an ethical problem? Answer: For the young accountant, long working hours are not having a good impact on them. As it affects the courage of the employees and doesn’t help in motivating them, for such type of company’s approach long working hours can cause some health issues and risk of job injury. The other thing is that, as the Bill faces the problem the other accountants will face the same problem.

EndoPredict and Mammaprint Risk Classification

EndoPredict and Mammaprint Risk Classification Comparison of risk classification between EndoPredict and Mammaprint in ER-positive/HER2-negative primary invasive breast cancer. Alberto Pelez-Garcia, Laura Yebenes, Alberto Berjon, Antonia Angulo, Pilar Zamora, Jose Ignacio Snchez-Mendez, Enrique Espinosa, Andres Redondo, Victoria Heredia, Marta Mendiola, Jaime Feliu, David Hardisson Corresponding Author: David Hardisson, MD, PhD; Department of Pathology; Hospital Universitario La Paz, IdiPAZ; Paseo de la Castellana, 261; 28046 Madrid, Spain. ABSTRACT Purpose To compare the prognostic performance of the EndoPredict assay with the MammaPrint scores obtained for the same cancer samples on 40 estrogen-receptor positive/HER2-negative breast carcinomas. Methods Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded invasive breast carcinoma tissues that were previously analyzed with MammaPrint as part of routine care of the patients, andwere classified as high-risk (20 patients) and low-risk (20 patients), were selected to be analyzed by the EndoPredict assay, a second generation gene expression test that combines expression of 8 genes (EP score) with two clinicopathological factors (tumor size and nodal status, EPclin score). Results The EP score classified 15 patients as low-risk and 25 patients as high-risk. EPclin re-classified 5 of the 25 EP high-risk patients into low-risk, resulting in a total of 20 high-risk and 20 low-risk tumors. EP score and MammaPrint score were significantly correlated (p=0.008). Twelve of 20 samples classified as low-risk by MammaPrint were also low-risk by EP score (60%). 17 of 20 MammaPrint high-risk tumors were also high-risk by EP score. The overall concordance between EP score and MammaPrint was 72.5%.   EPclin score also correlated with MammaPrint results (p=0.004). Discrepancies between both tests occurred in 10 cases: 5 MammaPrint low-risk patients were classified as EPclin high-risk and 5 high-risk MammaPrint were classified as low-risk by EPClin (overall concordance 75%). Conclusions This study demonstrates a moderate concordance between MammaPrint and EndoPredict. Differences in results could be explained by the inclusion of different gene sets in each platform, and the inclusion of clinical parameters, such as tumor size and nodal status, in the EndoPredict test. Keywords:  Breast cancer prognosis; gene expression signatures; EndoPredict; MammaPrint INTRODUCTION Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second most frequent cause of cancer death among women in developed countries. Approximately 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 40,290 deaths are expected among US women in 2015 [1]. Currently, the decision on adjuvant treatment for breast cancer patients is based on risk assessment using clinicopathological criteria, such as patient age, menopausal status, axillary lymph node status, tumor size, tumor grade, estrogen receptor (ER)/progesterone receptor (PgR) expression, HER2 status, and Ki67 score. However, decision making in adjuvant treatment of women with ER-positive/HER2-negative early breast cancer remains a difficult task. Routinely, all of these patients will receive adjuvant hormonal treatment. However, a substantial proportion of these patients are also treated with adjuvant chemotherapy, although a significant part of these will not achieve a further reduction of their risk of recurrence [2].Therefore, a major challenge for clinical oncologists is to identify those patients who will not benefit for adjuvant chemotherapy, and those who are more likely to develop recurrence, so that the most appropriate therapeutic regime can be administered [2, 3]. In recent years, molecular characterization of breast cancer has contributed to broaden our understanding of breast cancer as a heterogeneous disease, and led to the development of a variety of prognostic and predictive gene signatures [4]. Morever, these assays may also be useful in recurrence prediction and treatment decision making [5]. One of the most widely used tests is the MammaPrint (MP) assay (Agendia Laboratories, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), which is a prognostic score performed by a central laboratory that was cleared by the FDA in 2007. MP was initially limited by its requirement for fresh tissue, but it is now validated for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue [6]. MP measures the expression of 70 genes using a microarray platform, and reports a binary risk classification (low-risk or high-risk) for recurrence without adjuvant chemotherapy. This information is intended to spare patients at low-risk of recurrence from receiving adjuvant chemotherapy, with its attendant morbidity. It is not intended to predict the response, per se, to chemotherapy; rather, it helps to select patients who are likely to benefit from chemotherapy from a prognostic point of view [7]. More recently developed, the EndoPredict assay (EP) (Sividon Diagnostics GmbH, Cologne, Germany), is a diagnostic test based on gene expression data in combination with clinicopathological risk parameters to assess the risk of distant metastasis in patients with ER-positive/HER2-negative primary breast cancer if treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy alone [8]. This test measures the expression of eight cancer-related genes of interest (BIRC5, UBE2C, DHCR7, RBBP8, IL6ST, AZGP1, MGP and STC2) and three reference genes (CALM2, OAZ1 and RPL37A) to calculate a molecular risk score (EP score). The molecular risk score is then combined with the nodal status and tumor size resulting in a molecular-clinicopathological hybrid score (EPclin score) with improved prognostic power. Using a p redefined cutoff value, patients are stratified into low- or high-risk of distant recurrence. The test can be carried out on routinely processed and archived FFPE tissue, and is designed to be performed decentrally [9, 10]. EP was validated in three randomized endocrine phase III trials with patients with ER-positive/HER2-negative node negative and node positive breast carcinomas [5, 8]. The EP provided additional prognostic information to conventional risk factors such as grading, quantitative ER, or Ki67 and outperformed risk classification by clinical guidelines. Moreover, it could be demonstrated that EP is prognostic for early and late metastasis [5, 11].The EPclin score was also directly compared to purely clinical risk classifications (like St. Gallen, German S3, and NCCN) and found to be superior to these classifiers [11]. The objective of this study was to compare the concordance of EndoPredict results in 40 ER-positive/HER2-negative breast carcinomas which were previously tested with MammaPrint and categorized as low-risk (20 patients) or high-risk (20 patients). We further evaluate TargetPrint (Agendia Laboratories), a commercially available mRNA-based gene expression test that quantitatively determines gene expression levels of ER, PgR, and HER2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients and tumor samples This study involved 40 patients with ER-positive/HER2-negative early-stage breast carcinoma. All patients underwent surgery between March 2012 and December 2015 at the University Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain. Data on age and tumor characteristics were collected for all patients. The surgical specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin. Four- µm thick sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for histological diagnosis. Sections (10 µm) with at least 40% of tumor cellularity were selected for the study. Immunohistochemistry for ER/PR/HER2 and Ki67 and Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) for HER2 All cases were reviewed by two breast pathologist (DH and LY) to assess tumor grade (using the Nottingham histological three-tier grading system), tumor size, nodal status, ER, PgR, HER-2, and Ki67 expression. The expression of ERÃŽ ± (clone EP1; Dako, Glostrup, Denmark, prediluted), PgR (clone PgR1294; Dako, prediluted), and Ki67 (clone MIB1; Dako, prediluted) were determined by immunohistochemistry (IHC) during routine pathologic examination. ER and PgR status was determined based on the percentage of positive nuclei in the invasive neoplastic compartment of the tissue. Tumors were classified as ER- or PgR-positive when ≠¥1% invasive tumor cells showed definite nuclear staining, regardless of staining intensity. Ki67 was evaluated as the percentage of positively stained nuclear cancer cells (regardless of staining intensity). HER2 expression was evaluated with the HercepTest kit (Dako) and scored as 0, 1+, 2+, or 3+, according to the FDA scoring system. Tumors scored as 2+ wer e re-tested with FISH using the HER2 IQFISH PharmDx kit (Dako). Mammaprint Test The MammaPrint test was performed on representative paraffin blocks at the centralized Agendia Laboratories (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) blinded for clinical and histological data as part of routine care of the patients included in this study. Additionally to MammaPrint, TargetPrint assay, an additional test that is an alternative measurement of ER, PgR, and HER2 to IHC/FISH assessment, was also performed. EndoPredict Test The same tumor tissue block used for MammaPrint testing in each case was used for EP test. RNA extraction was performed as previously described [9]. Total RNA was extracted from one 10- µm whole formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue section using a silica-coated magnetic bead-based method with Tissue Preparation Reagents (Sividon Diagnostics). Expression of eight genes-of-interest (AZGP1, BIRC5, DHCR7, IL6ST, MGP, RBBP8, STC2, UBE2C), three normalization genes (CALM2, OAZ1, RPL37A) as well as the amount of residual genomic DNA (HBB) were assessed by the EP assay (Sividon Diagnostics). Gene expression was assessed by one-step RT-qPCR using the SuperScript III PLATINUM One-Step Quantitative RT-PCR System with ROX (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) according to manufacturers instructions in a VERSANT ® kPCR Molecular System (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Erlangen, Germany). EP and EPclin scores were determined as published earlier [8, 9] using the EndoPredict Report Generator sof tware which is available online ( The predefined cut-offs for diagnostic decisions were applied to stratify patients into low- or high-risk groups: EP low-risk (

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sixth Sense: The Vomeronasal Organ Essay -- Biology Essays Research Pa

Sixth Sense: The Vomeronasal Organ "We are all more influenced by smell than we know." (Hercule Poirot) ....Murder in Retrospect, Agatha Christie Biologists have long realized that the noses of most vertebrates actually contain two sensory channels. The first is the familiar olfactory system, which humans possess. The second channel is the vomeronasal complex, a system that has its own separate organs, nerves, and connecting structures in the brain. The function of the vomeronasal system is the detection of pheromones, chemical messengers that carry information between individuals of the same species. It was widely believed (as I found in some of the older texts I examined) that humans had long ago discarded this sensory system somewhere along evolution's trail. But convincing behavioral and anatomical evidence has since brought the notion of a human vomeronasal organ (VNO) into the realm of scientific fact. Some thirty years ago, when anatomist David Berliner was studying human skin composition using scraped skin cells from the insides of discarded casts, he found that when he left vials containing skin extracts open, his lab assistants would become more friendly and warm than usual (1). When, months later, he decided to cover the vials, the warm and relaxed behavior was noticeably reduced. These findings led him to investigate the possible existence of odorless human pheromones and a "sixth sense" organ to detect their presence, a VNO. While this early evidence was not empirical, anatomists have since found that all humans display two tiny pits, with duct openings, on both sides of the septum just behind the opening of the nose (3). The duct leads into a tubular lumen lacking a thick, distinct sensory epithelium. ... ...ture textbooks will attribute to humans this mysterious, unconscious sixth sense. WWW Sources 1)Chemicals the cause excitement 2)VNO website 3)Science Frontiers article 4)Chemical Communication by Willam C. Agosta 5) Olfactory Receptors, Vomeronasal Receptors, and the Organization of Olfactory Information. From Cell, a journal 6)Howard Hughes olfactory website 7)Article from The Scientist 8)Pheromone Book Review Additional Sources Messages sent through sweat

Monday, August 19, 2019

Twinkies :: Sociology, Chinese Americans

Traditionally, Twinkies are usually thought of as cream-filled yellow sponge cakes. To Chinese Americans, a different image is conjured. When Chinese Americans integrate with the American culture so much that their Chinese culture is much less apparent, they are known as â€Å"Twinkies†: yellow on the outside and white on the inside. In Amy Tan’s essay â€Å"Mother Tongue† and Elizabeth Wong’s essay â€Å"The Struggle to be an All-American Girl†, both girls are Chinese American trying to fit in with the American society while their Chinese mother’s are very traditional at home. Tan and Wong are trying to please their image in America and their mothers at the same time. While these essays are similar because they focus on the native languages used in America and the struggles of being a Chinese American in America, they differ in both their attitudes toward their mothers and personal reflections of being Chinese American. An individual’s background is where one comes from and how he or she is raised. Tan is Chinese American. She has a traditional Chinese mother who speaks â€Å"broken† English. Tan states that, â€Å"It has always bothered me that I can think of no way to describe it other than ‘broken’, as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed[. . .]† (Tan 43). Tan is an American school girl. As Tan listens to her mother use that type of dialect, it causes her perception of her mother to be distraught. Tan believed it â€Å"[. . .] reflected the quality of what [her mother] had to say† (Tan 43). For instance, department store clerks, bank employees and restaurant workers will ignore her mother when they can not understand her. Tan is a writer who loves the use of language. She says, â€Å"Language is the tool of my trade. And I use them all-all the Englishes I grew up with† (Tan 41). She is able to adapt her dialect to her audience. With her mothe r, she uses â€Å"broken† English; with her colleagues, she uses correct English grammar. Similarly, Wong also grew up in America with a traditional Chinese mother. In contrast, Wong’s upbringing involves her mother forcing her into attending two different schools. After her American school day, Wong continues on with Chinese school to learn both cultures. Her mother felt it was her duty to â€Å"[. . .] learn the language of [her] heritage† (Wong 144). This puts a burden on Wong as she starts to despise the Chinese culture.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Political systems in Latin American countries have been ever-changing. Long periods of dictatorship were often followed by long periods of democracy in an on-going cycle that is one, if not the main reason as to why Latin American countries have not been able to develop quickly. Political instability has affected many aspects in countries such as Peru and Argentina, one of these aspects is freedom of the press. Freedom of the press has played a key role in Latin America, serving not only as a voice for the people, but as a trail of evidence for some of the most heinous crimes committed throughout the Cold War and post-Cold War eras. Many people have been punished and even died all in the struggle to freely criticize political, economic, or even religious issues in their own countries. Freedom of the press, a right that should always be preserved, has often dwindled in the light of dictatorships and governments that do not take criticism lightly. Freedom of the press is called by many a â€Å"negative† freedom or liberty. While positive freedoms are described as rights that allow people to take action about their own lives, negative freedoms are rights that no other person or entity is allowed to put constraints on. The government is not allowed to put obstacles on the people’s rights to communicate their sentiments. Nations were built under the principle of democracy, where people are granted the liberty to express and publish their criticisms and where it is the people who decide who stays on top and who leads them. For Peruvians and Argentineans, it has been a constant struggle to maintain this right. Through and after the Cold War, freedom of the press was easily taken away by oppressive governments, which is why freedom of the pr... ... the simple lack of it at times. The conclusion is simple: a country with no press and with no freedom for its citizens to express their opinions or discontent is a country with no democratic values. In the aftermath of the Cold War and the era of dictatorships, freedom of the press has taken its time to flourish once again. Slowly, Latin American countries such as Peru and Argentina have managed to recover and to trust the press as they previously had. It seems like this time around however, democracy has become a permanent feature in the political systems, and will be for a long time. Even though both of these countries are only partially-free at the moment, one hopes the future is a bright one. For too long the story reflected by the freedom of the press in Latin America has been the story of oppression and disillusionment, it is time for the story to change.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Reasons Why the Stock Market Crashed

Dear Corrupt Government, It has come to your attention of the three factors that brought on the stock market crash of 1929. This is a very important issue to me and i believe the three main reasons as to what cause the stock market to crash. One reason is buying on margin. The second reason is the gov't creating easy money. The last reason the stock market crashed was stocks being priced hired than actual value. I hope you will consider my position on the issue and as well as the rest of my essay. The first reason I believe the stock market crashed was buying on margin.This let a lot of people essentially borrow money from stock brokers. In the article â€Å"What caused the wall street crash of 1929† they said buying on margin lead people to owe a lot of money from losing money in stocks. The article also mentions that this resulted in banks closing and going out of business. These are all very important facts to be considered when answering the question of what caused the sto ck market to crash. The second reason I believe the stock market crashed was the gov't faking an economic rise.In the article â€Å"The Great Depression† it said that the gov't created a fake boom through easy money and credit which was followed by a huge bust. This is then how the stock market crashed from all the fake economic rise. In addition, the low interest rates and low rates to buy on margin both made share holders want more stocks because they were so cheap. I believe these facts to be considered when choosing the three reasons of why the stock market crashed. The third reason why i feel the stock market crashed was the stocks being sold for much higher than they are worth.This meant a lot of people lost money and a few gained a lot of money. In addition, this meant that people who bought on margin where owing stock brokers a lot of money they didn't even have to start off with. In the article â€Å"Black Tuesday† it says stocks lost more than $26 billion in value and over 30 million shares and later $30 billion being lost from selling worthless stocks at a high price. This is why the stock market crashed. I also consider these facts to be important to making the decision of the three reasons why the stock market crashed.Surprisingly, a lot of the reasons are tied together in some way as I had mentions before. So, Corrupt Government, I wish for you to consider my argument i have shown you today in this letter i am writing to you. I hope my arguments are important to you in your decision of figuring out what the three reasons are for the stock market crashing in 1929. Let me repeat that my three reasons for the stock market crashing are buying on margin, creating a fake boom, and stocks being sold at higher prices than valued. I trsut you will see these this way as well. Thank you for your time.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror

The history of the Right of Habeas and the war on terror, it stated in the article The Tissue of Structure by Anthony Gregory â€Å"It has been celebrated for centuries in the Anglo-American tradition as a means of questioning government power. It is probably the most revered of all of the checks and balances in our legal history—as William Blackstone commented,† â€Å"the most celebrated writ in English law† (Gregory, A. 2011, 2nd par. ). The Habeas corpus is to protect the individual from being imprisoned wrongly and due to a fair trial. Although, questions arise regarding whether proper use of habeas corpus been brought into focus over the last ten years. In this essay I will explore the history of Habeas Corpus and how it has evolved over the many years. I will try to briefly explain how the habeas corpus originated and the role the U. S. has and the current actions being taken with it. I will look into the Bush administration and the way the way they dealt with habeas corpus during his administration. Let’s look at the history of habeas corpus it stated in an article entitled Habeas Corpus The most extraordinary writ that the history of â€Å"Habeas Corpus is ancient†. Although the precise origin of Habeas Corpus is uncertain of its antiquity† (Robertson, J. 2008). The primary effects were achieved during the middle ages by the use of a variety of writs, which gave a comparable effect as the modern writ and current policies. It also stated that â€Å"the practice surrounding the writ has evolv ed over time† (Robertson, J. 2008, para. 2). Since the earliest of times the Habeas Corpus was designed to bring forth any person in custody be brought before the court. While the Habeas Corpus was originally the privilege writ of a King and his courts, over the course of hundreds of years’ time has allowed it to evolve into a privilege for the person being detained, or a person or someone acting on his or her interest. Meanwhile Habeas Corpus was generally unknown by the diverse civil law systems of Europe which were devolved from the Roman or Justinian law and the current war on terror. While the civil law systems of Europe favor authority from the top down, the Anglo-Saxon common law favors the individual. Although the Habeas Corpus is an attribute of common law, let it be understood that it is an important one; the right of Habeas Corpus reveals the challenge between the individual and state. â€Å"Habeas Corpus empowers the individual in holding accountable the exercise of the state’s awesome power to restrain liberty† (Robertson, J. 2008, para. 3). The original purpose behind the Habeas Corpus â€Å"was to bring people to the court rather than out of imprisonment† by the year 1230, this would become a well- known characteristic of English law. Which becomes known as â€Å"the Great Writ† the systematization into the English law would come by way of Parliament through Habeas Corpus act of 1641. This generated what is known today as the Darnell’s case, during the case five English noblemen were thrown into the dungeon for refusing to fight for their country’s war with France and Spain. Giving the fact that the men filed suit, King Charles I refused to give details as to why they were imprisoned, â€Å"stating that the law did not require the King to provide any justification as to why they were being imprisoned,† (Jackson, A. 010) The Kings decision generated a deafening outcry from the public, causing the Parliament to seek action immediately the following year. The Habeas rights were expanded by the Parliament several years later with the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, making it mandatory that â€Å"charges to be brought within a specific time period for anyone detained for criminal acts† (Jackson, A. 2010). By the year 1765, the habeas corpus was securely rooted within the footing of English law, William Blackstone describes the Great Writ as â€Å"a second magna carta, a fortification of our liberties† (Jackson, A. 010). The Habeas Corpus being a deep-seated English right has navigated the Atlantic Ocean when our founders integrated the doctrine of Habeas Corpus into the U. S. constitution. It also stated in the article that â€Å"The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it† (Jackson, A. L. 2010). This is known as the â€Å"Suspension Clause† it is a provision that places the ability to suspend habeas corpus in the hands of the congress only in the event of rebellion or an invasion. It goes on to state that despite the clarity of the clause, the American debate on habeas corpus is just beginning. (Jackson, A. 2010). However, being the Habeas Corpus has a long history, being a common law of the land that throughout history the Habeas Corpus has only been authorized to be suspended four times in our history, 1. ) President Lincoln put forth an autarchic suspension during the Civil War, 2. ) post-Civil War Congress would authorize President Grant to suspend the Ku Klux Klan act. 3. ) 1902 when the rebellion in Philippines and 4. comes in 1941 after the attack on Pearl Harbor. (Jackson, A. L. 2010) It would seem that the â€Å"Great Writ† of habeas corpus was established to protect our civil liberties; it ensures us that no one could be imprisoned without having a fair trial. From the late seventeenth century the English constitution was common law and protected the rights of the Englishmen and since 1903 it had been a flawless solution. After the Johnson v. Eisentrager, government officials relying on the court’s decision deemed that holding enemy combatants outside the U. S. territory would inadmissibly keep individuals from filing, claims aimed at the habeas corpus review along with other things. In 2002 the United Stated started conveyance of the captured enemies to Camp X-Ray located at Guantanamo Bay, this causing the legal position of the government were to be tested immediately as the enemy combatants started to arrive. February 2002, claim submissions of the writs of habeas corpus starting coming in from the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay Camp X-Ray. One question one would ask is how will the court respond to claims being filed by the prisoners? The answer to the question is that, answers would come as fast as the writs, they came with deviating answers. It states that during the Coalition of Clergy v. Bush, The U. S. Central division of the District of California would approximate the issue in lue of government expectations; although they relied on the Johnson v. Eisentrager decision they deemed that the court would hold several U. S. itizens under the â€Å"Coalition of Clergy, Lawyers, and Professors â€Å"who had filed â€Å"show cause† petitions on behalf of enemy combatants held at Guantanamo Bay lacked â€Å"standing to assert claims on behalf of the detainees† the court would establish that, although a petitioner may have just cause, the simply lacked the jurisdiction to accommodate. Giving the fact that the Military Commission Act, it does not fully guarantee the full protection of American citizen consti tutional rights for the Guantanamo prisoners. Although Congress tried due process for enemy combatants it would come under major scrutiny. It goes on to state in the article that â€Å"The faint beat of the drum that once existed has now grown to a considerable pounding rhythm. The Court expressed the statutory right of foreign nationals detained at Guantanamo Bay to file habeas corpus claims in federal courts regardless of the geographic location of their detention† and that to suspend the â€Å"Great Writ† and ensure a proper level of protection is afforded to all enemy combatants† (Jackson, A. L. 2010). Let’s take a look into what has transpired since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, In 2006 Congress has passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force, this grants the President the power â€Å"to use all necessitous and suitable force† for all those who were engaged or involved or may have gave sanctuary to any enemy combatants (Pond, B. C. 2009). Let’s take a look as to why and how the reasoning for the U. S. confinement policy deviates from the Bush administration’s order of the comprehensive military order on November 13, 2001, this was intended to preside over the â€Å"Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism†(Staab, J. B. 2008). Rumor has it they modeled this after President Roosevelt’s military order during World War II, However President Bush’s order put limits on the use of military commissions any non-citizen for whom the president determines: (1) is or was a member of al Qaeda, (2) has committed, aided or abetted, or conspired to commit terrorist acts, or (3) has knowingly harbored one or more of these individuals. (Jackson, A. L. 2010). In the final conflict with Boumethene v. Bush the supreme court ruled in favor of 5 to 4 that the detainees of Guantanamo Bay were indeed allowed to exercise the writ and were granted use of the justice system. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy stated in the majority opinion: The Constitution is created to survive, and to stay in forced in times of a threat to National security. The Supreme Court brings an end to one of the Nation’s injustices, in giving the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay the justice they are entitled to. This also gives us a lesson on how delicate our constitution rights are in. The role of the President and Commander in chief is Article II of the Constitution states â€Å"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. † Section 2 of Article II states that â€Å"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States. † (Levin, 2012) I believe the Role of President would be one of the hardest jobs. Being all the hard decisions he has to make. When dealing with Habeas Corpus and the role of commander-in-chief I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes, because I wouldn’t have a clue as to handle the situation of the war on terror and enemy combatants. Congress’s role in habeas corpus as to when it can be suspended, this is a good thing in them having the right to override the Presidents decision for suspension, we need someone looking out to make sure he isn’t making bad decision or poor judgement. The role of the Supreme Court seems to be the deciding vote to make sure everyone gets their day in court and the right to a fair trial. (Levin, 2010) So in conclusion, Although this has been the most difficult essay I have had to write, I believe the Habeas Corpus is an essential part of our constitution and civil liberties, because you know the ole saying â€Å"innocent until proven guilty† and everyone deserves their day in court and has the right to a fair trial. My thoughts on the war on terror, this is something I don’t fully understand, my question is why we get involved in the problems of other countries why should we get involved if it doesn’t affect us? Why send our soldiers to get killed over another countries problems? Who would have thought that our civil liberties could be so complicated. Why not keep them home and fix some of the problems here at home.

Mobile Phones Have Improved Our Lives in Every Way

MOBILE PHONES HAVE IMPROVED OUR LIVES IN EVERY WAY We live in the era of smart phones and not that smart people. Are mobile phones really necessary or are they just toys that think instead of us and help us escape from our boring lives? On one hand mobile phones are very beneficial. Thanks to all intelligent technological tools, you can call or text anyone you want, even if they are not close. You can call the emergency if you are stuck in an accident.In addition, one of the perks is definitely the internet access which you can reach wherever you are. Whether you are waiting for someone to come and are bored, you can listen to music. Nowadays you do not have to carry and agenda with you, because this sophisticated apparatuses remember all the appointments and reminders you might forget. On the other hand, you can easily get distracted by mobile phones, what sometimes can lead to obsessions. Not to mention the radiation and its consequences which cause infertility and many other healt h risks.Is it not sad when you meet and old friends of yours for a coffee and you both end up hanging on the mobile phones and become extremely anti-social? All in all, technological phenomenon of modern time are one of the greatest discoveries so far and our lives would never be the same if they did not exist, because they have made our lives easier in every single way. I believe that the benefits of using mobile phones outweigh the disadvantages, but only if the usage is under control. Therefore, we must not let them use us, we must use them!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

McJobs Are Bad for Kids Essay

I thought Amitai Etzioni’s article: The Fast-Food Factories: McJobs are Bad for Kids,† was both accurate and convincing. His assertion that fast food jobs, â€Å"impart few skills useful in later life,† and â€Å"skew the values of teenagers,† is correct. At first blush, these jobs seem idea for teaching young people responsibility and self-discipline. But, when examining issues the author mentions as negatives such as; hours worked, appropriate supervision, job training, opportunity for advancement, responsible behaviors, and affects on academics; fast food employment does appear to have a negative effect on teens. The number of hours worked usually equate to how much money you make. If hours worked is not tempered with other responsibilities, such as school activities and adequate rest, teenagers will suffer the negative effects. Teenagers working in fast food establishments often have hour’s restrictions of 40 hours per week. Because many fast food establishments are open late, and require cleanup and tally-up after hours, many teens can work very long shifts. It was not surprising to learn that teens working a thirty-hour week may do so in two to three days. The author references an informal high school yearbook survey wherein seniors acknowledged that their jobs interfered with their school work; a definite negative trade-off. As in any business, fast food establishments must have appropriate management of the processes to maintain consistency of the product and enforce safety practices. In many fast food establishments to be a supervisor you must be an adult, defined as eighteen years of age, and complete supervisory courses provided by the employer. Though teenagers were not officially supervisors, in some establishments, supervisory duties are many times assigned to and accomplished by them. And, sometimes, as the author states, there is not an adult on the premises. Each of the fast food establishments requires training, to some degree. Because many of the tasks are simple and repetitive, the vast majority of this training given is informal and on the job. This training can last from a few minutes to a few days. Additionally, the trainers, many times, are other teens. Further, the future benefit of the skills learned in these simple and repetitive tasks is questionable. Advancement in many fast food establishments does not exist or is very limited. Advancement usually means assignment to other work stations within the restaurant and little or no advance in pay or technical expertise. Designated career paths, leading to management positions are not the norm and were not available to the teens interviewed for this paper. Many people think that teens that work will benefit from learning to be responsible. They also think they will develop a strong work ethic which will benefit them throughout their working life. In actuality the benefits of responsible behavior and ethical work habit are seldom acquired. Punctuality though is considered important. Those teens that are chronically late are disciplined or dismissed. Responsibility seems to be limited to punctuality. Staying on task and using time wisely is not important to teens in the fast food industry. Employee theft is also very problematic. Money is sometimes stolen but the majority of theft involves teens stealing food for themselves and friends. Poor supervision, or no supervision, allows this unethical behavior to develop and become an established norm. Academics are not addressed so consequently are not important in the fast food industry. Long and/or late work hours that may interfere with schoolwork are not considered. Programs that monitor grades to ascertain if work is interfering with education were not found. Some teens say â€Å"they don’t care if you have homework, graduate or want to pursue further education† (According to Max Greenwood). Additionally, many teens working in fast food are high school dropouts. This further establishes the environment that doesn’t support doing your best, seeking advancement, and furthering your education. Prior to reading this article and doing research, I didn’t agree with Etzioni, that teenagers’ working fast food is bad. To validate Etzioni’s claims, I interviewed individuals who worked fast food as teens. These individuals reaffirmed that working fast food did not provide appropriate supervision, worked long hours, received little training, didn’t have appropriate supervision, and it affected academics negatively. Etzioni, Amitai. â€Å"Chapter 6: Arguing A Position.† The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing 9th Ed Short Edition I-cite. N.p.: Bedford/st Martins, 2010. 280-83. Print.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Nicomachean Ethics Virutes of Honor

Moral virtue would be a difficult concept to grasp if one were to search and seize such a thing. A consistent idea of virtue isn't easily defined, for its ambiguity lets us to believe our own perception is the correct one. By doing so, everyone is right, in their own sense, yet they are also wrong. This never-ending debate would never cease, therefore our efforts would render useless. A common ground is required for some kind of agreement between us. In The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle provides us with a more universal meaning for virtue, more specifically regarding honor.Aristotle states, in Book IV, that the honorable man â€Å"does not run into trifling dangers, nor is he fond of danger, because he honors few things; but he will face great dangers, and when he is in danger he is unsparing of his life, knowing that there are conditions on which life is not worth having† (1124b5). I completely agree with Aristotle with his definition of the virtue of honor, also considered à ¢â‚¬Å"pride† with other translators. The quote implies that a man of honor chooses to face danger appropriately, assuring it is the proper time and situation for doing so; determining that factor isn’t easy, but neither is honor.The unduly humble man does not consider his honor above another man’s, so he doesn’t seek moral and virtue from anyone. The vain main positions himself to the highest of honor, yet his contributions fall short, and sees no flaws in his reflections. The proud man attempts to live with great honor, and he will continue to seek honor from other beings. The mean of pride isn’t an easy moderation to reach, but, nonetheless, it has a more solid and defined state than other virtues that are on Aristotle’s Table of Virtues.When living a life of humility, we avoid any judgment from our peers and critics, whatsoever. A person’s reaction is what can lead to building one’s honor, or, contrarily, deconstruct it. In o rder to feel proud, we need the recognition and praise; but by avoiding such, we are too coward to accept our merits that display how worthy we are of ourselves, and of our family and friends. The lack of self-confidence is what can lead to certain disorders that can render you unfit for an environment.This doesn’t seem like the healthiest state. Vanity can lead to a life of over-confidence and give us a feeling of false achievement. For we are to always assume that our worth is more valuable, and that there is no urgent need for change. Walking around with our chin up, without much contribution, is merely an illusion in our awareness. I see no difference in consuming more food than what we contribute with our labor. Yet this world is filled with counterfeits that reap the benefits of the humble.Is this life sustainable in a society that judges you for who you are, or at least who you seem to be? The proud life is what we should strive for, albeit it is the most difficult to reach. As arduous as it may seem, we can take full pride in knowing that we are rightfully rewarded for our acts of selflessness and righteousness. It is not so much as expecting recognition, but rather assurance that our good deeds have not gone unnoticed. This can make us feel accepted and valuable in our own society, thus creating a stronger link in the chain.As long as your actions are fit for you merits, there’s no shame in wearing the badge of honor. In my conclusion, honor is perceived differently between many of us. We over- and under-value our worth, in order to sustain a feeling of pride or contentment. Some might feel that gratification is just fuel for the ego. Others may believe that modesty is for the weak and useless. Is it better to expect less or more from ourselves in our society? This is where Aristotle’s guidelines for the moderation of pride can answer this conundrum, or at least attempt to.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Dongfan Greg Chung in a California Courtroom Research Paper

Dongfan Greg Chung in a California Courtroom - Research Paper Example This essay tells that facing charges in a California courtroom, Greg Chung is alleged to have passed along private and classified information to China for more than three decades without having been detected. His case represents the first in which a person is tried under the Economic Espionage Act which was passed in 1996. The charges he faces are severe and vary from conspiracy to economic espionage to obstruction of justice, lying to federal agents and being a foreign agent himself. Each charge is a hefty criminal matter with strong ethical implications. Did Mr. Chung knowingly deceive and lie for more than three decades while passing along private information to China, an economic adversary and a country which has had strained relations with the United States for more than a half century? Are deceit and mistrust the only ethical dilemmas faced by Mr. Chung? The following will explore the important ethical values raised by this case and the important ethical principles currently be en debated in the trial of Mr. Chung. From a purely ethical standpoint, the case of Dongfan "Greg" Chung raises important questions about a man, an employee and a naturalized American citizen. As an individual facing an onslaught of questions surrounding his character over a thirty year period, Mr. Chung is being questioned about his truthfulness and honesty. These are important individual values which are being brought into question by the charges leveled by a Santa Ana prosecutor. From a purely business standpoint, Greg Chung is accused of breaching the business ethics of trust, particularly as it pertains to sensitive, perhaps even classified Boeing documents â€Å"critical to the US space program†.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Ethical Marketing Solutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Marketing Solutions - Essay Example While the easiest solution for all these ethical issues is to tackle them head-on, it becomes complicated when the companies consider the profits they make. Best way for McDonald’s to tackle the obesity problem is to stop making fast foods altogether. The problem comes in when this is their main commodity and all their food chains around the world deal in fast foods. Several lawsuits against McDonald’s have been listened to in court but they end up paying for damages instead of being stopped from making these deadly fast foods. In appropriate adverts are trending worldwide with huge companies selling their products through sexual appeal and violence. All these should receive bans in order to be ethically appropriate but they prefer the market coverage to the ethics. Cigarette manufacturer, Philip Morris is the fifth most unethical company due to its marketing strategies. In the past, the company has targeted children and exploited their vulnerability to addictive habits. The company has also employed underage girls to handout free Marlboro cigarettes to children at clubs and concerts. On top of this unethical marketing, the company issued a report in the Czech Republic saying that premature smokers deaths have ‘positive effects’ because they save governments money (, 2013). The above-mentioned company is my point of interest in this study, just as part of the ethical issues associated with tobacco smoking. An epidemic broke out in the year 2003 known as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). This syndrome caused thousands of death and the world health organization had to respond in finding the causative agent. The disease vectors discovered originated in a country that was hesitant to ban their production. They were still smuggled out of the country in order for the company responsible to cut their losses. After the vectors landed in another country, they were legally on sale therefore

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Colon Cancer in Tissue Engineering Literature review

Colon Cancer in Tissue Engineering - Literature review Example The reason being that reconstructive surgery does not replace the biological functioning of an organ or tissue 4. Medical researchers have had to be innovative. Their innovation has led to tissue engineering (TE), which is the initiation of the regeneration of organs and tissues by taking advantage of the individual’s self-healing capability 5. Normally, tissue engineering purposes to control cells to trigger the regrowth of the respective tissue 6. A process that is termed as therapeutic because it replaces the biological role of the damaged or malfunctioning tissues or organs 7. What does TE involve? TE comprises of the artificial stimulation of the capacity of cell differentiation, synthesis, and increase 8. It utilizes two tactics. The transplantation of cells 9 and the use of biomaterials and biomedical machinery 10. In the utilization of biomaterials and associated technologies, there needs to be the creation of in vivo like conditions. What is the purpose of these in vivo like conditions? The in vivo like environment is developed to ensure that the cells are able to boost their differentiation and proliferation to a sufficient standard that allows the biological capability of tissue regrowth 11. Hence, a cell-manipulated natural healing of the particular organ and tissue is attained without the need of transplanting cells. In addition, transplantation of cells is undertaken by transferring cells that have a huge capability for the differentiation and growth of cells to activate the regeneration of tissue in accordance with its potential 12. In this technique, the transfer is done using the infusion tactic 13 or the bolus injection method 14. However, in the use of biomedical and biomaterial technologies, bio signaling and cell scaffolds techniques have been used to deliver the necessary biomaterials that avail the required conditions for tissue regrowth.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Risk identification is an underdeveloped art Discuss and include an Essay

Risk identification is an underdeveloped art Discuss and include an overview of risk identification aids and techniques in yo - Essay Example These entrepreneurs are called trendsetters in a market. In a dynamic environment, swift business decisions are required to be taken in response to the fast changing environment. This adaptability is essential for the survival of the business. Risks in a business cannot be avoided. Is the management risk averse? Risk is inevitable in a business process and it is involved in every activity of the business, though the degree of the risk is insignificant in many cases. Therefore, the approach should be: Is a particular risk tolerable, considering the willingness and ability of the management to take risk? The business decisions need to be consistent with the management’s policy with regard to risk. In all other cases, the management has to decide whether the risk is acceptable at all. Therefore, risk identification is a continuous process in an organization to evaluate the risk potential of the business decisions, its impact on the business in the worse scenario and the risk rewa rd ratio. Risk Analysis If risk identification or analysis is considered as an art, the passion and ability for analysis on the part of the personnel is important, and the management’s recognition and support for this function should form the basis for its efficient and successful functioning and contribution to the business development. Risk analysis or risk identification in this sense is as a continuous process as a part of the management function with necessary authority at its disposal and suitable place in the management structure. Risk analysis calls for collecting information from external and internal sources. The analyst needs to possess the analytical ability and proficiency in using various analytical tools for the purpose of analysis. Collection of information from the internal sources through various periodical reports, surveys, job cards and other records is a regular process. Classification of this information for various analytical purposes for the current us e or storage of the classified information for future use is important. The information has to be cross-verified for its correctness and reliability by using various auditing and other techniques. The information is analyzed for abnormalities or other indications and recorded either for future use or further action by the different departmental heads. Barron and Barron (2011) suggest keeping the management informed of project risks and potential impacts at all times. The understanding of the business by the analyst in this process is enhanced and it would be useful in evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses in the system. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Organization Analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization is the first step in risk identification because opportunities and challenges in the environment have to be analyzed in relation to the strengths and weaknesses of the organization to evaluate the preferred course of action or to formulate adaptive strategies. Starr et al. (2003) state, ‘Enterprise resilience is the ability and capacity to withstand systemic discontinuities and adapt to new risk environments. A resilient organization effectively aligns its strategy, operations, management systems, governance structure, and decision-support capabilities so that it can uncover and adjust to continually changing risks, endure disruptions to its primary earnings drivers, and create advantages over less

Morocco as a Tourist Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Morocco as a Tourist Place - Essay Example Though not usually thought of as a single cohesive industry, the growth of tourism since World War II has nonetheless been dramatic (Landau, 1969). Higher discretionary incomes, smaller family size, changing demographics, lower transportation costs, improved public health standards, infrastructure development, and hospitable environments for tourists in many destinations have made tourism, especially long-distance tourism, an activity within the reach and desires of many members of many nations. Furthermore, developments in marketing, management, vertical and horizontal integration, pricing, and tour packaging, as well as capital investments in physical facilities -- "bricks and mortar" -- and public infrastructure, have provided tourism with the necessary framework to allow the tremendous growth it has experienced over the past half century. Thus, tourism has indeed emerged as an "industry" which, according to the World Tourism Organization, in 1989 generated approximately 74 millio n jobs in its direct and service-related industries, such as airlines, hotels, travel services, and publications (Gartner, 1996, pp 76-82)). Many countries and regions which have possessed the necessary resources for tourism development have chosen, either consciously or otherwise, the path of developing large scale tourism as a major national or regional activity. Tourism has become a major employer, taxpayer, and physical and political presence in many jurisdictions. As a result, tourism has often altered the very nature of social, political, and economic interaction that occurs in these places. Frequently, the transformation has been no less dramatic than the shifts that took place generations before, as agrarian ways were pushed out by industrialization. Now, in industrialized countries, tourism is frequently pushing out (or more correctly, replacing) manufacturing, distribution, or extractive industry as the economic mainstay. In developing countries, the shift typically has be en from an agrarian economic base to a touristic economic base, bypassing an industrial phase altogether. Globalization and Tourism Tourism is not only arguably the world's largest industry; it also involves the greatest flows of people on the surface of the earth. It is, therefore, a major agent of change in today's world and some see it as one of the most visible expressions of globalization. Tourists and tourism development affect almost every country. They produce impacts upon communities, environments and economies, some of which are beneficial and others that can be a cause of concern. At the same time, tourism is a source of immense enjoyment and pleasure for hundreds of millions of people and creates contact and communication between peoples from different regions and cultures. With the effects of globalization, tourism sector has lived some changes in the marketing, tourist profile and technology areas. As a

Friday, August 9, 2019

Do EU Trade Policies Help or Hurt Developing Countries Essay

Do EU Trade Policies Help or Hurt Developing Countries - Essay Example In numerous developing countries, the trend is shifting from trade liberalisation to economic independence (Candau & Jean 2006). The multilateral trading system is enduring from the instability of the economy while preferential agreements keep on flourishing. Nowadays, no developing country is withdrawing from this development. Even if the European Union (EU), which began with the enforcement in 1958 of a customs union, has been putting into effects preferential agreements for several years, other developing countries, particularly those in East Asia, did not aid the increase in the prevalence of preferential agreements (Hoekman & Prowse 2005). Nevertheless, in the recent decades, developing economies, such as China, have further strengthened this risky development. Because of the failure of the Geneva ministerial convention in 2008, there will be heightened need for PTAs (Hoekman & Prowse 2005). The issues raised in the recent decade will occur again. The absence of growth in the mu ltilateral stage will be considered as the major justification for preferential agreements and, apparently, this claim is currently more compelling than before (Falvey & Reed 2002). With the absence of any possible settlement on the Doha Development Round, the international economy is seasoned once again for a new batch of preferential agreements. However, policymakers should understand the risks that PTAs create for developing countries. Theoretically, preferential agreements rule out countries (Candau & Jean 2006). Liberalisation is PTAs’ deal and countries make compromises in them, yet these are exclusive to the signatories. Hence, preferential agreements exclude (Evenett 2008). Given this fact, the first most favourable solution would be to remove preferential agreements in general. Countries, without preferential agreements, could either agree in multilateral discussions on liberalisation plans or have unilateral trade regulations (Hoekman et al. 2008). Nowadays, neverth eless, this is not a possible suggestion. All countries would have to concur with the restrictions of PTAs. Hence, the challenge at present is to enforce mechanisms that lessen the unfavourable effects of PTAs, in particular on developing countries. This issue will be thoroughly discussed in this paper. Preferential Trade Agreements: Favourable or Unfavourable to Developing Countries? Several studies have investigated the effect of the trade preferences of EU on imports from developing nations. Majority have reported favourable outcomes, specifically for the preferences provided to the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states (Persson and Wilhelmsson 2007), which are aiming for sustainable development and reduction of poverty levels. Evenett (2008) emphasises that the effect of the EU Generalised Scheme of Tariff Preferences (GSP), which guarantees that exporters from developing countries are charged with lesser duties, relies on which of the EU GSP agreement that is concerned an d that the organisational expenditures related with acquiring level of preferences to that margins of preference of not below 4.5% are non-utilised (Nilsson & Matsson 2009, 5). Other scholars, such as Cipollina and Salvati (2008), study the effect of preferences of the EU in the industry of agriculture. These scholars reported that the preferential schemes of